I sat down in his shade with great delight,
—Song of Solomon
* * * * *
While watching Fox News Saturday morning business programming the discussion turned to legalizing pot and prospective tax revenue benefits.
Are you kidding? We have a financial system ballooned over decades which now is collapsing, and legalizing pot is a solution to the grave threat the unfolding financial calamity has only just begun to unleash?

Rather, what I am pointing out is certain powerful interests who could care less about your safe, stable, happy, opportunity-filled life demonstrate themselves EXTRAORDINARILY vulnerable to being relegated to the dustbin of history with such shameless promotions as do more to expose intellectual bankruptcy than elevate serious debate.
Look at it this way. The premier "business" channels in the U.S. are promoting the pot "industry" (that's what CNBC is calling it!) over a raft of other legitimate things.
We have so many other creative, productivity-enhancing, life-uplifting projects we could engage ... endeavors whose potential positive impact tax-wise dwarfs anything possible as a result of legalizing pot. For example, making the leap from a hydrocarbon-based economy to a hydrogen-based economy.
All it takes is consensus and political will ... and nothing else.
Which is precisely what Fox and CNBC are attempting to build with their pro-legalization screed.
Would you in your right mind accept less than what can be yours? So then, why are the so-called "business" media attempting to push something less down our throats?
Again, this is not about pot. Rather it is about good business. Do you see how thoroughly Fox and CNBC are exposing the bankruptcy of the casino economy they, more than any other mainstream outlets, have helped build up?
You don't for a minute believe this is the best they can do?
—Tom Chechatka

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