Thursday, January 29, 2009

Blogojevich Impeachment: Still Waiting for FBI Evidence

[Post Summary]

I sought him, but I could not find him;
Song of Solomon

* * * * *

That William Shakespeare himself might struggle to make all the connections the FBI claims exist as proof Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich acted criminally in the conduct of his office is how any free thinking American will begin analyzing the Governor's impeachment today.

Whether I think the Governor is guilty is irrelevant. Whether I heard evidence proving his criminal intent is the matter I rather raise, because what I witnessed resulted in just one conclusive judgment:

The legal profession is stained if this incident goes without serious inquiry into the process by which Governor Blagojevich's impeachment was executed.

The points of principle the Governor consistently made regarding a criminally-charged American citizen's presumed innocence and right to legal defense are far more legitimate than was the so-called proof of criminal wrong-doing the impeachment prosecutor, David Ellis, presented before the Illinois Senate.

The leaps from evidence to implied criminal intent made by Mr. Ellis were cavernous. Let me put it to you this way...

If I had been watching the impeachment trial in black and white, I would have looked around for swastikas. Instead, I saw the red, white, and blue American flag, and that is why those who believe government is properly charged to "establish Justice" have reason to be sad about the Illinois Senate's rush to judgment.

—Tom Chechatka


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