Saturday, February 21, 2009

Swimming in a Milky Way Galaxy of Investment Riches

[Post Summary]

I have taken off my robe;
How can I put it on again?

Song of Solomon

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Before you click the picture of the Milky Way Galaxy below consider: why is the image only an artist's rendition? Why has something so simple as a picture yet to be taken of the whole galaxy?

You Are Here in the Milky Way Galaxy

After you click on the above picture and are taken to the NASA website put your cursor over the image, see where we are, observe the incredibly vast distances (ly = light years), consider the abundant energy all around, and the vanity keeping humanity from harnessing it.

History suggests we either reach for most challenging limits or we perish as cultural entities. All striving, indeed, should be directed toward bringing surrounding possibility nearer, expanding understanding of how physical space is leveraged.

The best hope of rescuing an economy far too dependent on consumption for maintaining some semblance of [increasingly meager] functioning is directing investment toward ends of discovering the means to possessing physical mastery over abundance all around us. Yes, abundance. As for those preaching the gospel of shortage with mankind playing the part of pillager: they are no more an impediment to progress than are comedians who make people laugh with the telling of a good joke. (On this account Al Gore is a hoot!)

So, imagine cutting edge pursuits lessening distances measured in light years. Think how new discoveries historically have expanded mankind's wealth. Consider near space and all within today's grasp. Is not mankind arguably made to less imperfectly understand Nature's inexorable journey to perfection? Speaking for myself (and probably billions of other people), the soul inciting a mind aspiring to know nothing else appears eternal. All the more is this condition fitting, then, when one considers how very much mankind has yet to discover and know.

Think big. You might see how so many things these days passing for American life are more tragic comedy than fitting pursuits worthy of a nation founded on eternal principle. Rant if you must, but when you're through be sure to laugh, because appreciating the joke of it probably is the easiest way to get busy living before we all die of something not funny at all.

—Tom Chechatka


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