Monday, March 09, 2009

Christina Romer: Economist as Agent of the British School

Calling for criminal prosecution and bankruptcy reorganization, not well connected monetarists.

All rivers run into the sea, Yet the sea is not full;

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It's too bad the Democratic Party (whose standard-bearer at the present moment should be Franklin Delano Roosevelt) possesses neither the wisdom nor, more critically, the courage to put forward the kind of leadership necessary for stopping dead in its tracks an ongoing financial and economic breakdown crisis. The case of Christina Romer, Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers, demonstrates this critical lack of leadership most emphatically.

Let's put aside the sense Ms. Romer leaves that, in drawing contrasts and comparisons to the nation’s recovery following the Great Depression one might more usefully watch Julia Child visit Mr. Roger's neighborhood. One practically need believe in Santa Claus to think this woman has any sense of the magnitude of the problem bearing down on the nation and the world as a consequence of policy and practice over recent decades. Ms. Romer's seeming disconnect with any tangible notion touching on the very real problem of financial tyranny gets to the heart of the matter. In truth she is but another Monetarist — Ben Bernanke in drag — among a sea of incompetents from the British School elevated to positions of influence at a frightfully dangerous moment in American and world history.

If ever there were a need for courageous warriors willing to defend the view that, the system built up over the past forty years has, first, facilitated fraud of massive proportion and, second, empowered criminals whose operations must be shut down immediately, that time is now. More than technical adjustments we need perp walks. More than bailouts and stimulus packages we need bankruptcy reorganization and renewed commitment to well-regulated stability. Most of all we need leadership with courage to be ruthless in defense of principle eloquently put forward in the simple, one sentence Preamble to the U.S. Constitution. Christina Romer and her ilk simply are not qualified. If this is change we can believe in, then God help us. We are squandering the precious weeks and months that remain to effectively take action while we still have the luxury of operating under relatively peaceful conditions. Unwillingness to take on the tyranny of criminal enterprise finding its philosophical roots in the British School of Economics will all too likely lead to disaster, with much unimaginable chaos and even bloodshed evolving in its wake. This much is clear. Christina Romer must be sent packing from the White House now. The Monkey Business she and her kind promote are a clear and present danger to the posterity of the American nation from this point forward.

—Tom Chechatka


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