We will make you ornaments of gold
—Song of Solomon
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Have you read anything like this recently...
This isn't the first recession the world has been through and it certainly won't be the last. It's only a matter of time before things 'normalize' and return to a predictable economic cycle.
Well, what if things turn more volatile before they "normalize?"
Do you fear this possibility? Then, start listening to your gut.
No one can "predict" the future. But forecast heightened probabilities of economic distress given current trends? As long as one's assessment maintains a dynamic flexibility, evaluating ever-changing conditions, then reliable forecasting is possible.
Hey, if this works for something as big and "unpredictable" as the weather, then it can work as well in the realm of economic and financial matters that affect your well-being.
Bottom line, it might be "only a matter of time before things 'normalize' and return to a predictable economic cycle," but those who find 24 hours not enough time in the day might soon discover how slowly time can travel.
—Tom Chechatka
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