Thursday, February 05, 2009

Bombshell of the Day: White House Runs Defiance of Pelosi

[Post Summary]

My beloved put his hand by the latch...
Song of Solomon

* * * * *

Yep. Politics is nasty business. Just listen to the President...

Listen to the part where the President says, "I would love to see additional improvements today." (8:30) Note how he hesitates.

$100 says he was thinking about what Politico's Glenn Thrush reported the other day. Funny, I was thinking the same thing about Speaker Pelosi last Friday.

Movement to weaken Speaker Pelosi apparently continues. Appearing at a House Democratic Retreat in Williamsburg, Virginia, both the President and House Speaker had a conversation with one another from the podium. Speaker Pelosi waxed theologian, begging some "love thy neighbor as thyself" consideration, and the President noted how our representative government's structure was intentionally meant to lessen the risk of dictatorship. Zzzzzing! Wonderful political theater.

What matters most about the stimulus bill being debated in Congress is the fact that, first, it recognizes the nation faces depression conditions. Did you happen to see the CNBC Street Signs piece yesterday interviewing Braddock, PA Mayor John Fetterman? Well worth the exercise in understanding the importance of government addressing the needs of real, red, white and blue American people. Is this not, after all, what government exists for? Things should never be allowed to get as bad as Braddock, PA. How do we go forward? Well, in addressing desperate need, cost should not be an issue. Rather, how we pay for necessary expense should be the focus instead.

And so we arrive at the critical matter. How do we get back to economy generating real wealth? How do we restore the nation's decimated economic power to export its technologically-advanced product surplus? Can this even be done adhering to badly misguided assumptions about financial structures currently burdening the economy to the point of threatening further collapse?

As you can see, these are matters that escape the House Speaker's thinking. She has proven herself quite inadequate on this account. She has had her opportunity to take up a style of leadership to rival that of Henry Clay, but she chose to side with Imperialism, giving its leadership a free pass.

It is this conflict of interest necessitating Speaker Pelosi step aside for the sake of political change the American People demand.

—Tom Chechatka


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