The eye is not satisfied...
Nor the ear filled...
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This little bit of news I found rather interesting. Financial insider and formerly outspoken opponent of the American System of Political Economy, Felix "The Fixer" Rohatyn, suddenly is a convert to the only proven way to solving our rapidly degrading financial and economic crisis employing legislatively-creating Federal corporations financed through a targeted capital budget. Others can read into Rohatyn's about-face what ever they are disposed to. Myself, I will only say this is as clear a signal as ever came from a Wall Street insider, admitting status quo arrangements underpinning the financial system are as dead as Elvis. The last hope for saving any semblance of life as we know it rests in bankruptcy reorganization and effective resuscitation of the Bank of the United States.
You can see with your own eyes and hear with your own ears the brains behind Big MAC having his Damascus moment on CNBC. Some interesting background to Rohatyn's new book, Bold Endeavors: How Our Government Built America And Why It Must Rebuild It Now, can be read here.
—Tom Chechatka
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