So is my beloved among the sons.
—Song of Solomon
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When you read,
"The Obama administration is trying to walk a public relations tightrope in aiding the banking industry. On one side is an angry electorate that wants to see a wounded financial services industry embarrassed and penalized. On the other is a group of powerful institutions whose survival and revival are critical to the success of the President’s costly and controversial economic stimulus plan."
you might rightly perceive much idle threat, groundless assumption and, well, desperation. Is the objective here divide and conquer?
There is no angry electorate wanting to see a wounded financial services industry embarrassed. As for penalized, only to the extent laws have been broken in the land where Justice and the general Welfare are constitutionally guaranteed.
Oh, and of that "group of powerful institutions," are these the same whose charade brings its benefactors on collective knee before the U.S. Treasury?
This strikes at reality I just don't get. Such silliness coming from this thoroughly bankrupt ideological enterprise called free market capitalism. Would its radical promoters smash the American System of Political Economy — presently in a state of submission — in a last ditch effort to hold ill-gotten ground? For what purpose? That they may freely kill each other over our dead bodies (literally so)?
Dull though the American electorate might seem, the power of reason in the information age remains a compelling force capable of sending an enemy scurrying. Mouthpieces calling "class warfare" keener American sensibilities toward tyranny are seen in the grand scheme reacting to collapse of control once possessed. Pay no mind. Look onward to the Capital. Yet judging by what passes for news these days, you better pull up your boots.
—Tom Chechatka
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