The watchmen who went about the city found me.
They struck me, they wounded me;
—Song of Solomon
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Another criminal attack on what once were rightful entitlements of U.S. citizens — fruits of wealth it was supposed they would help produce ... which would have been true had not a bunch of smooth talking, terribly misguided gamblers hijacked the finances of the nation, using slick goons like Greenspan as cover for building the most profound credit bubble in history...
John Lipsky is the same man who once called structured finance "the linch pin of the U.S. economy." So, Mr. Lipsky is someone whose vested interest is in the casino, where risk persistently has been mispriced for decades now. What gall do those promoting such schemes as are doomed to fail in great calamity (much as is occurring) have in claiming our government's fiscal house is not in order, demanding entitlements be cut without one word disparaging that cancerous quadrillions of derivatives dragging the financial system down!
—Tom Chechatka
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