Of the fragrance of your good ointments, Your name is ointment poured forth;
—Song of Solomon
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"The difference between a visionary and a dreamer is activism. That's the difference. There are those who say it can't happen. They say that's Utopian, you can't change anything. We can change it. The first step is belief, and that is based on knowing who you are—not with arrogance, not with falseness—just as plain citizens."
—Gerry Adams, Sinn Féin leader
Taking Adams' wisdom right to the epicenter of our national economic and financial bankruptcy, citizen-candidate for U.S. Congress, Diane Sare, displays something of that fuller measure of activism whose consequence can produce surprising results...
Were there ever a cause for which American political leadership rightly could (and should) exhort citizens and allied interests alike to stand either "for or against us," drawing a line in the sand separating friend from foe of the United States of America, re-imposition of the Glass-Steagall standard putting to practice the American System of Political Economy is it. At this defining moment prior to the inescapable unraveling of leveraged finance — a state of affairs created by efforts leading to the dismantling of Glass-Steagall, inch-by-inch, over the past thirty years — elevation of the cause of Glass-Steagall's re-imposition could prove extraordinarily effective were a spirit of activism summonsed from within ... say, among those presently employed by the New York Stock Exchange without whom the exchange would be hard-pressed to function.
Were a unity of interests most intimately at risk of dissolution to suddenly demand that, Glass-Steagall in its same form codified in the 1933 Banking Act again be made law of the land, this for the sake of stabilizing the financial and economic landscape in which American capitalism operates, then more radical attacks on what presently is a gravely compromised financial system could be stopped in their tracks before that spirit of fascism these attacks likely would advance precipitate a complete breakdown in the national social fabric presently allowing such freedom of expression as the likes of LaRouche Democrat, Diane Sare, is commended here for powerfully exercising while there still exists opportunity to rally support for those necessary policies capable of restoring stability and abundant promise to American capitalism, that social chaos, indeed, be properly and righteously averted, as is certain to occur without returning focus to the unfinished task of uplifting mankind's condition, first and foremost.
"Glass-Steagall or die," indeed.
—Tom Chechatka
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