Wednesday, August 11, 2010

America v. Fascism in the Crappy Job Conundrum

Three Minutes to the True Face of James Pethokoukis

Like an apple tree among the trees of the woods, so is my beloved among the sons.
Song of Solomon

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In a short segment titled, "The Crappy Job Conundrum," mercifully Dan Gross of Newsweek keeps in check that nasty James Pethokousis of Reuters BreakingViews...

Our employment problem might be thought a "supply and demand issue," yet clearly the "globalization" scam of the past several decades has badly impacted the supply side of the equation. There is a terribly gross imbalance between physical, human need and availability of employment capable of satisfying it — and this not only in the matter of financial compensation.

This "economic boom" of the past twenty-five years JP mentions ... is this real? Has it proven lasting? Surely, were this boom real, it would endure.

Now, is this the same Pethokoukis who would scream government should live within its means, like any other American household? This debt burdening our nation ... was it not also behind JP's "boom?" The man just can't decide which side of his mouth to speak from! Yet at 3:00 he makes himself clear when he wonders whether unemployment insurance is discouraging people from taking those jobs that are available.

Spoken like a fascist! Like most of that mindset, not one thought about how to promote the real wealth of the nation which, in fact, is a whole different ball of wax than the speculative casino, debt- and security-financed "boom" this misinformed man believes the past twenty-five years delivered.

—Tom Chechatka


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