Friday, September 10, 2010

Canary in the Economy: Private Small Businesses in Decline

Free market becoming a flea market.

That which is done is what will be done,
And there is nothing new under the sun.


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Contracting revenues among privately held small businesses are confirming the impact of the collapse of the shadow banking system (the former source of trillions of dollars of capital whose risk was grossly mispriced)...

Absent capacity to turn home equity into an ATM machine — this following decades of savings contraction — it should come as no surprise that, small business revenues are reeling. One can only imagine what larger loop negative small business feedback will impact. Years and years of financial mismanagement have crossed a threshold where contraction now begets only more of the same. Yet there remains great determination to disguise the fraud of it all, as is fair conclusion of how regulatory bodies are behaving in the midst of our still developing crisis. So, on the one hand we have contraction, and on the other hyperinflation: the Lehman model applied to the entire economy. Get ready for chaos whose cause is becoming increasingly more difficult to hide.

—Tom Chechatka


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