I have eaten my honeycomb with my honey;
I have drunk my wine with my milk.
—Song of Solomon
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When you are saddled with a mountain of toxic financial claims, every dime you can chisel in hope of maintaining an illusion of solvency counts. Apparently, if this means potentially sacrificing the nation's food security, then so be it.
The last thing the already badly discredited economics profession needs is another quack like Benjamin Powell of Suffolk University. Empiricists whose every principle boils down to some mathematical equation devoid of practical regard for basic necessities impacting the human condition are about as valuable as a tampon. Of course, these do serve a useful purpose, yet a bloody one at that.
Is there really a price too high to pay for ensuring the security of things people need to both feed and clothe themselves? What new, disingenuous rationale might a thoroughly bankrupt enterprise (Wall Street) dream up next in their effort to free up capital needed to sustain their unsustainable leverage? That bit about helping the people of Pakistan was a bit much. Why not advocate Treasury use "profits" it received from bailing out the financial system?
—Tom Chechatka
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