Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Hindenburg Sighting: Can Food Be the New Oil?

Oh, the Humanity!

That which is done is what will be done,
And there is nothing new under the sun.


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When you consider the challenge Daniel Basse, of AgResource, gave @3:00 below (it would take 2.3 globes to feed the world the same 3400-3500 calories the average American consumes per day), you see not only opportunity in a great engineering project on the books since the 1960s — The North American Water and Power Alliance (NAWAPA) — but its necessity.

This is a perfect project for financing via a Hamiltonian National Bank. One among many other great national missions that, alone, offer any real hope of sustaining the solvency of the nation. As growing vulnerabilities baked into the present arrangement fully run their course, you'll see.

How fitting we are alerted to financial, economic and social danger by a "Hindenburg Omen." The risk of severe, market-driven food shortages is real, this as a consequence of a grossly imbalanced albatross masquerading as a recovering financial system. All too clear is the risk of hyperinflation, too. Oh, the humanity.

What analyst cannot see the way to assuring increasing value of a thing (which is not the same thing as its price) requires securing physical power over nature? That's why the provision of basic infrastructure (like NAWAPA creates) is best financed through a national bank. Cheap credit secured by an act of Congress building things benefiting capitalism, providing the solid foundation on which a most profitable (think about it!) and secure financial system naturally will flourish. Let me be blunt. This is the only sane choice. So, the question is, who's nuts?

—Tom Chechatka


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