Catch us the little foxes that spoil the vines
—Song of Solomon
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Looks like old Bill Bonner over at Agora hit a new low yesterday. In his Daily Reckoning he wrote:
"Tomorrow, the man called Obama takes up the president’s job. Poor man. He seems like a decent sort. A shame...something like that happening to him.
"But he hung around with the wrong crowd – lowbred types in high political circles – and look where it has gotten him. Tomorrow, he’ll be called upon to stand before a hundred million viewers, put his hand on a Bible, and lie.
"To the question – will he swear to uphold the Constitution of the United States America – he will give the answer he has rehearsed. Yes, I can! Then, like almost every American president since John Quincy Adams, he will ignore it."
Merely a coincidence Anarchy Bill was reporting from London? I think not.
I'll take a "lowbred type" over an imperialist brown nose any day of the week and twice on Inauguration Tuesday, Mr. Bonner.
Your typical humbug laying claim to the pointlessness — the vanity — of government is particularly offensive at a time when the need for sensitivity toward the magnitude of our present dilemma has rarely been quite so acute.
Someone in such position as you have established with hard work I am sure, Mr. Bonner, ought have something uplifting to say about getting the greatest corporation ever formed — the United States of America — back on sound footing.
In a nation where every citizen is a stake holder, where millions hunger for leadership, this is the best you have to offer?
—Tom Chechatka
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