Monday, January 19, 2009

Financial System: One Big Madoff Swindle?

[Post Summary]

The sun also rises, and the sun goes down

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Have you ever wondered why some people trade stock in companies that have filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy? Chances are these "pieces of paper" ... these claims on a company's assets ... one day will be worthless. So, why do people continue in a delusion?

Now hear this. The global financial system known by every generation presently living is hopelessly bankrupt. An adjustment soon will be made.

So, let's take care of business, then. Mine is the stock market, which today is operating in a bankrupt environment.

Last year's decline, 2008, you were fleeced. This was done to mask systemic bankruptcy. Why do you suppose the uptick rule regulating short selling was eliminated? It was done to facilitate the ease of raising capital. A one-way bet is always profitable when you have power to perpetuate the trend. And this is power the uptick rule's elimination gives.

Remember, this is not a liquidity crisis, but rather a crisis of capital ... the very thing that brought down Bernie Madoff. Money needed to be raised!

What next? Same as it ever was. More games pretending the financial system is not bankrupt. Every one a scheme. And all will end like Bernie Madoff.

—Tom Chechatka


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