Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Higher Education Failing in Structural and Systemic Crisis

Questioning what is gained with all that tuition money.

His mouth is most sweet,
Yes, he is altogether lovely.

Song of Solomon

* * * * *

According to the following report, the cost of an education at prestigious American universities is on course to reaching one-half million dollars for a four year degree, and this within twenty years...

Bad news. If the "quantitative easing" crowd persists, university tuition (and everything else) easily could skyrocket far beyond the hundreds of thousands of dollars projected, and do so in a matter of just months. Very few appreciate the magnitude of what is at stake in the grip of a dysfunctional financial system such as ours. Mark Taylor, author of "Crisis on Campus: A Bold plan for Reforming Our Colleges and Universities," does his cause well, though, calling our problem "systemic and structural." I should read his book. Taylor speaks about student indebtedness with apparent insight into how this more practically serves a financial scam than higher education.

—Tom Chechatka


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