Saturday, August 21, 2010

High-Profile Hedge Funds Signaling Looming Catastrophe?

Closing for want of volatility not likely.

The eye is not satisfied with seeing,
Nor the ear filled with hearing.


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Two well-connected financial insiders — apparently no friends of the nation state — this week announced plans to close their hedge funds. First was the man who helped orchestrate a run on the British currency, and then the man who helped kick off the still-evolving attack on the U.S. Treasury. Beyond the song and dance performed for public consumption about these high-profile hedge fund closures is there a common thread hinting at an increasing likelihood that, the global financial system is on the verge of a calamitous collapse? The question is not so much whether these men are cashing in while they still can, but rather do they know something the rest of us don't?

—Tom Chechatka


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